Review Policy

I will be happy to hear from publishers, publicists or authors who would like novels, story collections or poetry collections reviewed. If you are interested in contacting me about this then please bear in mind my policies for reviewing:

  • I reserve the right to publish a negative review where this might be appropriate. 
  • I do not provide a review schedule. As such, books will be reviewed as and when they are prepared for publication on this blog (I read quickly and write reviews directly after finishing a book, so this should not be an issue). 

Contact Information
If you would like me to consider a piece for review, then you can contact me via email at I would appreciate it if in the body of the email you could include the following information: book title, author name, summary, publisher name, release date, and 500-ish word excerpt.

This email inquiry should not include, as an attachment or in the body of the email, the piece you would like me to review. It should only be an inquiry, a chance for you to sell the work to me. I will get back to you with my decision and further details as soon as I can.

Other Information
I review literary fiction and poetry. Any genre stuff should have a literary bent to it in order to pique my interest. 

I will usually prioritise print copies over e-books.

I accept independently published/self-published books. 

You may not quote or copy any of my reviews without my express permission. Everything on this blog is my own work, and as such I would like it to remain under my control.